Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blindsight (Mirus #1.3) by Kait Nolan

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Okay, at first I thought this short story was boring and a little confusing for me. But when I can keep on reading I want to know what happen to next. Did Ilsa really did have feeling for Ransom or he have feeling for her? How come Ilsa did not noticed when Ransom realize what just happen she touch him where his heart is? I don't mind reading this series so I can know what going on.

Nightly Special by Bonnie Vanak

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I want more from this short story. I don't know if there any series to this story or that just it which to me is stupid. I want to know did Bunny and Marc already beat living out of Adolph, because it were a trap for Bunny. Good thing that Marc tailed her knew she would do something stupid. I understand Bunny doesn't feel confident, but Marc do believe in her. He keep giving her confident as if he believe in her which he do. And just like that they became mates after the shower. I think is weird that you fight off the zombies and you're covering in zombies blood. So you decided to take a shower where you just killed a zombies and after have sex. Too weird. I prefer not at the zombie place. 

Riding Red Hood by Adrianna White

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This short story was a okay for me. I don't know why I just is was okay. I mean this story is short and I expected more, but that all they got. At the end of the story is was kind of stupid of her fiancé to kill her just because he think she will be a werewolf as well. Which is really stupid, I didn't like him at all, he so boring and not thinking straight.

Return of the Sexy Teenage Vampires by Tom Lichtenberg

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I already read this short story from Young Subway Stalkers by the same author. Still don't like it.

The Vampires Of London by Sebastian Alexander

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I just read a few pages and just couldn't read anymore. Yes, I like to read vampires but this story doesn't seem to caught my interest which is weird because that never happen to me before. Because usually I would just read from the beginning to the end, but I didn't. This would have to be the first.

Silver Shells: A Werewolf Gunslinger Tale Volume 1 by M.T. Murphy

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I would have to said that Lily is my favorite character in this short story. I didn't expect Lily would just shoot Grigore right in front of the whole witness, until I read a part when Sam describe that everyone in the saloon was just quiet as a statues, no running out, being hysterical, or crying just still and quiet as a statues. That part was kinda fishy and I didn't know why. That when I realize that Grigore was mind controlling the whole town and he a vampire. Lily already knew that and he shoot him again at the sheriff's jailhouse naked. Yes, I said naked. She was naked when she shot him again, this time silver bullets with a sand from the native american people. The only strange part is Grigore's body, as first I thought he would turn to ashes but no his body was lying there and it change it form into a child. Now that part is just too weird. But oh well I seem to like it anyway.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Coexist (Keegan's Chronicles #1) by Julia Crane

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The story said what?!?!?!? I think I just fell love with this story. I am shock at the ending, it was kind of weird but a little sad though. I feel bad about Keegan, because she she doesn't remember what happen to some part and she doesn't remember or know who her soulmate is. She was brought back to life as a second chance with dark magic from her friend's mother and that is how she doesn't remember some parts. I wonder know what happen to the rest. It is true that once you are brought back your feeling for the chosen will never be same? What will happen to her? How can Rourk go through this that Keegan doesn't know him at all? Please let me read the next series.

FYI: All this pictures are not mine.