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I would have to said that Lily is my favorite character in this short story. I didn't expect Lily would just shoot Grigore right in front of the whole witness, until I read a part when Sam describe that everyone in the saloon was just quiet as a statues, no running out, being hysterical, or crying just still and quiet as a statues. That part was kinda fishy and I didn't know why. That when I realize that Grigore was mind controlling the whole town and he a vampire. Lily already knew that and he shoot him again at the sheriff's jailhouse naked. Yes, I said naked. She was naked when she shot him again, this time silver bullets with a sand from the native american people. The only strange part is Grigore's body, as first I thought he would turn to ashes but no his body was lying there and it change it form into a child. Now that part is just too weird. But oh well I seem to like it anyway.